
I’m full of shit
Aren’t we all

The space between our ears

Continually fabricating

Fabricating heinous lies to impress the opposite sex

Lies to make us believe our own bullshit

What is a lie



It’s the truth we can bare to live up to

The truth we desperately wish to be true

Our eyes wander

Into the blackness of your cranium

Seeing every lick of your teeth

Hearing the sounds that spew off your tongue

You’re full of shit

Just like me

We are all content listening to the lies

Holding on to every single detail

Every fucking detail

This is humanity

Forgetting the brain next to you exists

Seeing every other being as a husk

A shell

Of what is an antonomous being

It’s not

You’re nothing special

Neither am I

We are all full of shit

Convincing ourselves

That the brain

The brain two fucking feet from you

Is just like yours

Diseased or not

We are all the same



Full of shit

-B. C. Werner

Thank You

You are the pit stain on society

Your existence is what breeds my distain

For years I justified you

Testified for you

Loved you

Gave my life for you

This is letting go

Ridding myself of the scab that you created

Not once, but twice

Freeing my mind from the crippling pain

You are the problem with society

You are the constant strain

You are hate

Everything within your soul

Hatred bleeds from every pore, every orifice

I don’t hate you

That would be too much for you

That much effort

That much energy

You are unworthy

You are destined to circle the black pit of loneliness

To live a destitute existence

You are misery

And that is what you deserve

I hope you know what you have done

I want you to see what you have caused

I thank you

For you have made me a better person

A stronger man

I will no longer let myself be abused

I will no longer let myself be lied to

Thank you

For treating me like shit

Thank you

-B. C. Werner


Little Fish

Weird little kidney bean

Your weird little legs 

Gills that will turn into ears

Pointy elfin ears like your mother

How can I feel

Feel so much love for you 

A parasite

A leech 

You bring me nothing but confusion



Fucking confusion 

I’m barely as old as a box of candles


Not even a blip in the universe

How can you cause this much anxiety

A tiny lump of cells

Flipping our worlds over 

Over a billion times 


– B. C. Werner


Fear of knowingFear of being wrong

Who am I

Where do I belong


Is she the one


Am I to walk the earth alone

Hopelessly waiting for her to realize

The one passion 


Back burner projects

Pile up 

Never to be finish

Setting ablaze the imagination

Once enjoyed by all

I love you


Never forget me

The piece of my heart are yours




-B.C. Werner


Fuck you 

I hate you

I hope you die

Depression lingers 


Trembling in the darkness

My chest cavity

Filling with immense pressure

About to explode



Tears rolling down my cheeks in despair 

I’m sorry 

My world is nothing any longer

The universe in imploding 

My universe

My star

My shining light 

I love you


-B.C. Werner


My mind races through the unknown

Nothing is as it seems

Everything is against me

The agony of normality is imminent 

What am I without success

My chest tightens

Eyes dilate

Breathing hastens



Vast caverns once filled with knowledge


Clamber for answers

Clawing the walls of this empty brain

It’s over



-B. C. Werner